TEEvangelize.net is part of the Romantic Catholic Family.
Romantic Catholic was started in 2005 by your servant Ruben Garduno. I am a revert to the Catholic Faith. I started this company to evangelize lukewarm Catholics and non Catholics alike. [RomanTIC Catholic] stands for the "Truth in Christ" is found in Roman Catholicism. Inspired by the Love of Jesus through His most Sacred Heart and the Eucharist, Romantic Catholic has the mission to help people Evangelize by wearing Catholic Apparel with designs that relates to the culture specially with the Young Church. We call this movement: "TEEvangelize The World".
In 2009, I met the love of my life (I did not know it at the time) at a focus conference. She was serving as a missionary. We reconnected through catholic match in the summer of 2013. We dated, got engaged and married in Spring 2014. It was quite romantic. We currently have 4 children. Who are 5 and under. We are far from the perfect family but are learning together and striving to grow in virtue with Gods grace and mercy. Please consider supporting our family business. Thank you for stopping by. We really appreciate you.
The Garduno Family;
TEEvangelize.net by Romantic Catholic
2207 N Union Blvd.
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
(719) 360.7213